Holding Sound – A Mother’s Day Special (11:30am – 12noon)
Date: 9 May 2021
Time: 11:30am – 12noon
Venue: ThirdSpace
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“One of the first connections I had with my babies when they were born was through sound.
First cries; first tears of joy, happiness and pain all at once rolling down my cheeks.” -Natalie Alexandra Tse
Yet, we may not always hold onto our connection with our lil’ ones through sound.
This Mother’s Day, let us reconnect with our babies through sound in this immersive, sensory sonic experience by LittleCr3atures designed and led by our founder, Natalie Alexandra Tse.
Mamas will be encouraged to sing, play and jam with their bubbas as they explore sonic objects to the musical facilitation by Natalie.