Tactility Studies: Where Our Lost Things Live
Glass Room, National Gallery Singapore

Take a deep breath and enter an alternate world where our lost things live: that one missing sock, that umbrella you just can’t find, the ‘chouchous’/bantal busuks that got thrown away without your knowledge. These are things that we didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to—and here is our chance.
In this work, we invite young families to journey with us and meet various Lost Things. How might we trace their stories by listening to the sounds they make, or exploring the way they feel and move… and after the Lost Things have each had their chance to share their tale, we’ll have a little parade to celebrate the time we had together, and then it’s time for us to say our goodbyes.
Children and adults are welcome to bring your own comforting toy/pillow from home, to visit this land together.
Production Team
Co-Directors — Chong Gua Khee and Bernice Lee
Production Management team — The Backstage Affair
Dramaturg — Corrie Tan
Space Design — TiTam co.
Creative Technologist — Sim Xin Feng
Sound Design/Composition and Live Music — LittleCr3atures ft. Jevon Chandra & Lynette Quek
Performers — Bernice Lee and Bib Mockram
Photo Credit: Daniel Toh @danteohb for Tactility Studies: Where Our Lost Things Live @tactilitystudies